Structures | Weaving in Israel, from Functionalism to Fiber Art Group exhibition

Curator: Dr. Noga Bernstein | Assistant Curator: Aya Armoni
December 14, 2024 to May 31, 2025

The exhibition “Structures: Weaving in Israel, from Functionalism to Fiber Art” is the first comprehensive exhibition surveying the history of weaving art and design in Israel. It features works by 23 artists active in this field from the 1940s to the present day. The works reflect the wide range of weaving that developed from the principles of Functionalism, displaying both an affinity with a centuries-old tradition and a constant attempt to push its boundaries.

Participants: Ziva Amir, Rachela Angel Hadar, Varda Ben Tal, Mirjam Bruck-Cohen, Gali Cnaani, Nora Frenkel, Yeshaayahu Ish Gabbai, Yael Gelles, Haim Hakimyan, Kathie Halfin, Ruth Kaiser, Yehudit Katz, Julia Keiner, Sima Konson, Tomer Laham, Shula Litan, Rina Milon, Tal Narkis, Shir Ochayon, Aleksandra (Sasha) Stoyanov, Neora Warshavsky, Roni Yeheskel

Image: Yehudit Katz, Mobius 3, 1998, wool, cotton; multilayered weaving on a floor loom, 15x30x30 cm (photo: Avi Shtrauch)