The Blind Leading the Blind, 2008
In the dust sculptures, dust piles up on top of rubbish assembled haphazardly. It covers the shape underneath like a warm blanket, hiding the primary form from view. Knowing-unknowing, attraction-repulsion, the beauty of the light caressing the dusty skin-these are the nuances that make you shiver; a myriad of different emotions, thoughts, and feelings condensed into one small moment.
— Peter Buggenhout
Peter Buggenhout’s large-scale sculpture is made of industrial waste materials, trash, rubbish and residues, and for the first time on such a scale-dust. These abject, in-between materials-not quite raw materials, not quite ready-mades-are used to create an equally declassifiable non-structure.
Faced with multiple potential readings of these non-structural objects, it soon becomes clear that this is a mission impossible: neither at a glance, nor by close scrutiny from different angles during a walk, can one entirely absorb the work and remember it in its own right. It is an abstraction which appears to have been injected like a collapsed spaceship or an industrial-organic meteorite into the exhibition space. Even if one does manage to recognize object parts or is reminded of something, one is forced to admit ‘in the end’-which is, once again, a new beginning-that ‘this complex thing’ refers to itself alone.