Gregor Schneider | The Second Strike

Curator: Ori Dessau
Oct. 10, 2011 - Dec. 24, 2011

Cryo-Tank Phoenix 2, 2006, Electropolished stainless steel filled with liquid

Gregor Schneider
Gregor Schneider’s work derives from one site of origin: Haus u r. Begun in the mid-1980s, this project lasted nearly twenty years, throughout which he rebuilt the interior structure of a family house in Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, where he lives. Schneider’s constructional activity rests on repetition and duplication: he built room within room, wall facing wall, floor above floor. This interior split, which transforms the familiar into unfamiliar to itself through its repetition, was reinforced in 2001, when he dismantled the house’s interior and rebuilt it inside the German pavilion at the Venice Biennale under the name Totes Haus u r.

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