Be Andr | Numerator and Denominator

Curators: Zali Gurevitch, Tsibi Geva, Dalia Levin and Tal Bechler
June 18, 2011 - Sep. 10, 2011

Something and Nothing, 2011, vinyl lettering, 3.3X5 m.
Be Andr
In Something and Nothing Be Andr explores and challenges the hierarchy of the gallery space. The piece seems to be a fragment. The fragment creates the impression of a division within the museum space, an ‘above’ and ‘below’ the line where only the ‘below’ is visible. However, the fragment is also both numerator and denominator in itself, thus a whole. Is this a fragment at all? Is it a word or a picture? Be Andr forces us to question the very essence of being in this piece. Is the piece too big for the museum or is the concept too big for art?

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