Inward Gaze IV | Avraham Hay

Inward Gaze IV | Avraham Hay | New Wing, 1997-1999 | Scene of Events

Curator: Aya Lurie
Dec. 22, 2018 - Apr. 27, 2019

After serving as a military photographer and working as a press photographer in the 1960s, Avraham Hay (b. 1944) studied in London photography of archeology, exhibitions, and works of art. Since returning to Israel, for the past five decades, he has focused on documenting diverse aspects of the local art field. The vast archive that has built up in Hay’s studio encompasses five decades of artistic, curatorial and museological work in Israel. He recounts that in his drive to document things, he instigated several projects that are still ongoing, some of which he has exhibited in the past. These include, for example, photographs of general installation views of art exhibitions that he began photographing in the 1980s, before it was customary to do so in Israel.
The photographs currently on display at the Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, which show the process of construction of its new wing in 1998–1999, stemmed from a similar impulse to document developments in the Israeli art scene and its institutions. When the museum’s expansion work began, and the site and its surroundings started to change, Hay documented the transformation with an analog camera (using a color 6×7 film). The current exhibition presents a selection of these images.

אבי חי

Avraham Hay, Construction of the Herzliya Museum’s new wing, 1997-1999, scanned contact sheets, analog photography

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